Welcome to the Gava Group
The Gava Group was founded in Milan, Italy on November 27th 1979, with the creation of Gava S.R.L. whose objective was to be a young and dynamic presence, capable of offering a complete range of air and ocean transportation services.
The Gava Group 's commitment, from that moment forward, has been to meet and surpass the needs and expectations of its partners, whether Customers or Suppliers, providing the highest quality of service.
The Gava Group has always understood that the firm's ability to measure up to the competition and to plan its continued existence depends on the relationship with the customer. It is crucial for us to give our customers a stable point of reference in an ever-changing and complex world.
The Gava Group consists of commercial and operative offices in six continents and has valued the support of a specialized network of agents around the globe.
Customers Are Our First Priority
The Gava Group has always been extremely attentive to the needs of its customers, a strategic commitment on which the entire Gava World focuses on its respect and loyalty.
The Gava Group can offer the best value for the money, providing the personalized service that each customer around the world requires.
The Gava Group with its dynamic and flexible Client Service organization is able to find the best solution for all the logistics, customs clearance or regulation requirements while remaining supported by real-time information and communication technology.
The Gava Group is the ideal Partner-Supplier for all companies who share the same values that aim toward the same high standards and work together to reach their common objectives.
The Resources
The Gava Group bases its strengths on its resources, that have constantly evolved and expanded for almost forty years of business. This has enabled the Group to become a professional, dynamic, and leading logistic partner.
The Gava Group provides a diverse set of talented, experienced professionals that promote new ideas and methods to improve our customers' service and satisfaction.
The Gava Group has strength in its trademark. Clients see it as a synonym of quality and reliability. The light blue color evokes the core of the business: air and ocean transportation services.
Affiliations and Certifications
•IATA – International Air Transportation Association
•IACC – Indirect Air Carrier Certificate
•HMTC – Hazardous Material Training Certificate
•C-TPAT – Custom Trade Partnership Against Terrorism
•TSA – Transportation and Security Administration
•FMC – Federal Maritime Commission
•NVOCC – Non Vessel Operating Common Carrier
•OFF – Ocean Freight Forwarding
•AES – Automated Export System, Authorized Filer
•AMS – Automated Manifest System, Authorized Subscriber
