IT Services
Gava Group has taken early advantage of the considerable opportunities e-business offers to optimize logistics services.
Gava Group is taking an active role working on efficient customer-oriented e-business solutions for the entire supply chain.
Gava Group developed a tracking system which can be used by customers, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year, to check consignment progress via the Internet using their Gava Group user id and password (If you would like to have more information about this service please see the tracking user guide). At the moment this service is available only for air origin Italy.ù
Gava Group tracking allows you to track your shipment by using HAWB number, carrier/AWB number, consignee reference, supplier reference, date/destination.
Freight Quotation
Gava Group offers you the possibility to have a freight quotation on line: you shall only complete and send the Freight Quotation Form available on the web site.
Gava Group’s operators will satisfy your request as soon as possible.
Computer-to-Computer Communication
Gava Group offers an innovative services: computer-to-computer communication of data, which provides direct integration between our internal system and files and you.
Gava Group, so, permits you to save times and money, eliminating paper and many manual functions.